Delhi Daredevils' head coach Gary Kirsten on Friday said that he wanted Yuvraj Singh in the team because he shared a great rapport with him during his stint with the Indian team and he finds the flamboyant all-rounder motivated more than ever.
Kirsten said,
I had a great experience working with Yuvraj in the Indian team. He is fit as he has ever been. For me, I really wanted him in this team as he is from this part of the world. I don't think there is a guy more motivated than Yuvraj.
On the appointment of JP Duminy as DD’s captain, the World Cup winning former India coach said that the left-hander has leadership credentials. Kirsten talking about JP -
JP is a fantastic human being. He has already started captaining South African T20 team. We wanted continuity as he has played for the franchise and knows a lot of Indian players. It was a natural choice. He has got good leadership credentials.
Kirsten also accepted that he was caught off-guard in respect to the demands and needs of IPL teams as the DD finished last in the table in 2014.
"Yeah, could be. It's a good observation. I think I was without a doubt (caught off-guard). I think I learnt a lot from last year that IPL is different to international cricket. It takes a bit of getting used to for any coach," Kirsten said.
"Physically, it's a demanding tournament. Last year, we didn't have great back-up. But we do have some good combinations this year. It's about getting our thinking process right."
Source- IPL website