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Yeah, yeah, move on...

In times of both, victory and defeat, over-reaction is perhaps the strongest characteristic of Indian cricket, even more so than inconsistency, under-performance, politics and selection goof -ups. Sure, getting knocked out of the World Cup is a big deal, but it is extraordinarily obvious that T.V. ratings for games that go on till 2 in the night Indian Standard Time are bound to go down, that no one is going to want to buy the Indian team jersey for a while.
The point is, in a country like India, all it is going to take for the see-saw of madness to swing the other way is another win or two here and there. In many ways, this downswing is a huge blessing in that it helps bring things into perspective. The market was clearly growing beyond itself, a burst of the bubble was inevitable somewhere down the line, and this unexpected break from the cricket fever will go a long way in helping the market do some much needed consolidation. So, it would be a great help if everyone around here in this country stopped celebrating the 'cry over spilt milk' week and got a move on.
It is all the more surprising to see all this fuss being raised over the Indian team losing where it should have won - we ought to have been used to it by now.

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