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The diplomatic straight bat...

But, this is what Hussey said

     “I'm a Western Australia boy through and through, born and bred, so if I'm playing a competition I'd probably prefer to play for Western Australia, but if the rules state that I'm playing for Chennai, then I'm very happy to play for them as well."

At this stage there are no rules, and more importantly, you have not signed a contract saying you are willing to put the IPL first.

And then he went on to say that he was originally told he could play for Western Australia if they made it.

     "To hear something different seems a bit strange to me," Hussey said, "but obviously if that's the rules, that's the rules."

Stop talking about the rules King Probot.

There are no rules.

If he told you that you’d be able to play for your state, and that there is no contract stating otherwise, then Modi can place his hand up his own behind rip out his prostate and lick it.

Hussey would never want to cause a fuss, and is probably secretly thrilled the decision has been made for him.

Stuart Law on the other hand has taken a slightly different stance on the ban on ICL players from the super league.

     "I'm going to play and there's nothing anyone can do to stop me."

Good luck with that mate.

I do agree with his stance, and he does make valid points,

    "There are no rules for the Champions League yet so how can anybody disqualify us? All I'm trying to do is earn my living in this big, bad world."

But I restate my previous sentiment.

Good luck with that mate.

Modi may back down on his home team stance, but you’d think Godzilla herself would be needed for him to let the enemy into his private league.
(Jarrod is also available on www.cricketwithballs.com. Click here to know more about him) 

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